Home Remedies For Removing Blackheads
Blackheads are a nightmare and we have tried many tricks to get rid of them. In this article we will discuss a few home remedies, which could help you join the “perfect skin” club.
1. Hot water
Use hot water to fight the black heads. Fill up a bowl with hot water and keep your face over it for about 10 minutes. The steam will work in a way, which will soften the skin to make the blackheads easier to remove. If you put a towel over your head(as a veil) the results will be even better. Some people recommend boiling chamomile into the hot water, as it is good for the skin itself. You can repeat the procedure as many times, as necessary. Your skin will be soft, so you can do it, even if you do not have any blackheads.
2. Coriander paste
A good home remedy against blackheads is a paste of coriander leaves and turmeric powder.
3. Almond
The nose is a very sensitive area and the blackheads are formed exactly there, so one of the best home remedied is a scrub made of crushed almonds and besan.
4. Lemon
Mix together a few drops of lemon juice and sugar and use the scrub on your face. Gently massage your nose and cheeks area in order to clean the skin and remove the blackheads. It is simple and easy, but very useful and if you do it on a daily basis, the blackheads will no more be a problem.
Another great way to get rid of the blackheads is to cover your whole face with lemon juice and leave it like this during the night. It will act as a mask and clean and tone your skin`s pores. In addition it will reduce oil production, which will lead to less blackheads in future.
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