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50 things you need to teach your daughter.

- 1 Love yourself first. 
- 2 High School - this is not real life. Be ready for this. 
- 3 In life, you meet a lot of trashy girls. Just keep the brand and pass on.

1 Love yourself first. 2. High school - it's not real life. Be ready for this. 3. In life you will meet a lot of trashy girls. Just keep the brand and pass on. 4. If you find a true friend, try to keep him, no matter how far you are from each other. 5. Things do not make you happy. 6. Do not judge anyone myself, but be prepared that you will be judged constantly. Cheer up, baby. 7.Read my grandmother really. 8. Not every problem is the end of the world. 9. Choose your main battle is not really worth all of the fight. 10. Do not compare yourself to others, they will never be like you. 11. No matter how much you love a person, try not to lose yourself. 12. Speak. Find your voice and use it! 13. Learn the word "no" and do not be afraid to use it. 14. You have to write your own life story, try to fill the pages of happy events. 15. Never chase a man, it would be correct if he finds you. 16. Learn how to properly accept compliments and try to believe in them. 17. Always be honest. 18. Know how to be happy in their own roles, and do not be afraid of loneliness. 19. Never be afraid to share what you feel. 20. You can argue, but remember Rule 9. 21. Read everything that comes into your hands. Knowledge - is power. 22. If you came home with a guy and did not see in the books at home, then go away. 23. You - not someone else's property! 24. Be always in a position to fend for themselves. Always. 25. Do not be afraid to fail. That they are learning. 26. Never send electronically is something that you could not be placed on the first page of a city newspaper. Even if you delete it, it still pops up. 27. Help others unconditionally, good deeds bring happiness. 28. Be kind, helpful reveals character. 29. Always trust your instincts. Always!30. Be polite. 31. Your actions speak better for you than your words. 32. Do not hide your feelings, find a way to express them. 33. Look for the beauty in all things. 34. Use sunscreen! 35. Do not lose contact with people who love you. 36. Always go through life with your head held high. Confidence is attractive. 37. Cry when you need to, and find new strength in their tears. 38. Laughter is medicine for the soul. 39. Music too loud? So turn up and dance! 40. Words can build bridges and burn them. Choose them intelligently. 41. Home - this is where you are loved and not where you live. 42. Bring the first apology - it does not mean showing weakness. 43. Work, work hard. Always be able to provide for themselves. 44. I know you hate me sometimes, but I always love you. 45. You are self-sufficient! 46. You can tell me anything at any time. I'll always be with you.47. Remember once again, I will always love you. 48. You're capable of more than you realize. 49. You're beautiful, and do not let anyone make you feel differently. 50. Life consists only of today. Live in the moment. You can not completely control your yesterday or tomorrow. All that you have it now, so just be happy.

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